Here's that photo I mentioned a few weeks ago taken when I was about 17. It was 1984 and I was living in Hampshire with Mr Hunter-Cox and a Morris Traveller the same age as me. You can see my original blue colour and I still have the chrome trim along my sides which was removed later when I was repainted. I notice that my hubcaps were missing too but I wear a complete set now which Neil keeps nice and shiny for me.
Mr Hunter-Cox owned several different Bristols at one time or another but Neil has remained faithful, although he does eye up other models from time to time and I think he is secretly fond of the 412. He probably won't do anything about it but you never know ...
Mr Hunter-Cox owned several different Bristols at one time or another but Neil has remained faithful, although he does eye up other models from time to time and I think he is secretly fond of the 412. He probably won't do anything about it but you never know ...