I have just returned from a thorough service at Bristol Cars where they found my near-side track rod joints were worn. They gave me a nice new assembly, fitted some new front brake pads and Brian fixed my window with a new regulator. I will miss the inelegant sight of Neil trying to lean out of the door while retrieving tickets from car park machines but he will be a lot happier now and so will his physiotherapist!
I passed my MOT with flying colours and we had a very busy trip back home on Friday along the M25 and A12. I had a rest yesterday and today we went to our first car show of the year, at Manningtree High School. This is a yearly event with all proceeds going to fund projects for the school and is now one of the biggest shows in the area. There must have been 500 cars but only one other Bristol, a 410 from Ipswich. The weather was fantastic and I spent all day with my friend Figgy, a Nissan Figaro who is looked after by Neil's wife Karen. In the picture I'm showing off where I keep my spare wheel which surprises people as they walk past and is always a talking point.
Next week is the Ipswich to Felixstowe run and I'll let you know how I get on. Hopefully the weather will be just as nice as it was today.